Empowerment through therapy

We can’t change the past but we can change the future.

Psychotherapy and Coaching for relationships, life and work

As a psychotherapist and coach my aim is to empower you to find new ways to manage, work through and overcome whatever issues you are facing.

It’s not always easy to ask for help. We are often taught to think that it is better to try to fix something ourselves than to ask for help. However, when we want to make a change and find that difficult, often the best thing we can do is seek help.

As an integrative therapist trained in a multitude of modalities I adopt a flexible approach. A corporate executive seeking help in managing a conflicted work relationship is likely to be needing and looking for therapy that is very different from someone who comes to therapy for help with PTSD.  Therapy is not about one type being suitable for everyone but is about working in a way that will be most effective for you.

For more in-depth information on the way I work, please click here.